About Us
Recovery Accountants Pte. Ltd. (UEN: 201130460R) is a professional office of accountancy and liquidation practice in Singapore.
It is dedicated to providing clients with quality and cost-effective business solutions through professional and personalised services in a range of financial and business needs.
Our Mission
Our mission is to transform the perceptions of accountants from bean counters to becoming the trusted business advisers, through developing deep and collaborative professional relationships with the clients to reinforce our beliefs.
We believe that every client is unique; and we are attentive in learning our clients’ requirements. Tell us your service requirements, we will endeavour to meet the same.
We believe a client is different from a customer in that
- An informed client will consider the intrinsic value in the decision to spend as opposed to a customer driven by the price in the spending.
- The professional relationship with a client is consultative in nature; there is give-and-take to clarify requirements, identify problems, and recommend solutions on a contextual basis vis-à-vis buying a hamburger from a fast food restaurant with little or no discussion.
- The notion of “customer is always right” may not always hold in our professional work; and we will explain why we have a different view having considered the professional and legal framework for the issues at hand. We believe that professionals offer a client with credible knowledge and expertise to facilitate the client to make the ultimate informed decision of his or her own.
If our beliefs resonate what is in it for you, we love to connect with you to embark on this journey of professional relationships!
Our Services
We are equipped with the technical expertise and necessary market insights to provide a range of services to corporations and businesses.
We work closely with the clients to understand their service requirements and create solutions tailored to achieve the business goals. Our services can be broadly categorised as follows:
Corporate Compliance Services
We provide a wide range of corporate compliance services including incorporation, corporate secretary, accounting, compilation of financial statements, corporate tax and GST filing. Depending on your volume of business, we provide a quote that is best suited to your requirements so you get value for your money.
Project & Advisory Services
Our project work revolves in the areas of liquidation and the related advisory; litigation support and mediation. We have experiences in administering liquidation whether voluntary or compulsory, solvent or insolvent. As part of the liquidator’s instincts, we develop investigative skills and are capable of providing litigation support service.
Our Accountants

Lee Yin Chen
Personal Accolades

Mr Lee is a fellow member of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (UK) and a chartered accountant with the Institute of Singapore Chartered Accountants. He is an insolvency practitioner licensed by the Ministry of Law Singapore and an accredited mediator with the Singapore International Mediation Institute (SIMI).
Mr Lee started his post qualifying public accountancy work in the year 2000 with a large accounting and consulting service group as an auditor for the statutory audit, financial due diligence and some litigation support work such as the disputes between the directors and/or shareholders.
Late 2001, Mr Lee was transferred to the corporate recovery department of the said group where he was trained to do insolvency administrations such as liquidation, receivership, scheme of arrangement and compromise. Corollary to the work of an insolvency practitioner, he also spent time in investigative and litigation support work.

Loo Min Min
Personal Accolades

Ms Loo is a practising member of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (UK) and a chartered accountant with the Institute of Singapore Chartered Accountants.
Ms Loo did audit and taxation work during her previous employments with the offices of public accountants.
Recovery Accountants Pte. Ltd. draws on Ms Loo’s professional experiences in accounting, compilation of financial statements and taxation.